Sacred/ Ground/ Underground


Neon Arco, Paratissima, Torino Nesxt



This DMAV project is an act of love towards the varied world of underground cultures which was born as a site specific project for Paratissima, in the space of the former Artiglierie in Turin and curated by Olga Gambari.

This new Neon Story expresses our great attachment to underground cultures, freed from the conditioning of a System, which have always been visceral and free expressions, far from a mass-induced and induced taste and precisely for this reason infinitely authentic. The neon installation, which thrives on alternating light, pulsates like a mantra in the evocative space of the former Artiglierie of Turin, evoking the libertarian and somehow sacred nature of underground cultures.

Side notes
The DMAV collective has among its underground sources of inspiration precisely the relationship with that extraordinary tribal and social impulse that characterized the 80s and 90s of the twentieth century. Let’s think for example of the experience of American Straight Edge and the project led by the artists of Dischord records, starting from the experience of Fugazi. But there are many leads, and they cross different life trajectories. From the great experience of Italian hardcore punk, to dark/gothic cultures, to metal, to political hip hop.