DMAV Social Art Ensemble

DMAV is an art collective that creates public projects and empathetic agitation events by establishing relationships with the community and generating paths of social awareness. DMAV offers an immersive artistic experience, which is also proposed as a practice of contemporary shamanism, and a process to reactivate and regenerate social communities. DMAV uses different expressive forms and media. Using photography, performance, video installations, design creations, electronic musical settings, DMAV creates immersive spaces in which the community can enter to access visions of possible futures. From learning spaces to theatres, from factories to urban parks, from hospitals to museums and art galleries: we cross different codes to activate the visionary strength and capacity for transformation of people in social space and in the relationship with nature.

DMAV has its production center in the DMAV Factory, a business network created by DOF and Housatonic. DOF is a consulting and training company that has integrated experimental and artistic methodologies into its activities since its inception, working on community design and transformation processes. Housatonic is a creative studio based in Bologna specializing in designing and facilitating collaborative processes through interaction design, graphic facilitation of complex concepts, and visualization of conversations.


The path “from the mask to the face” is a collective journey, a meeting space for possible worlds, experiences, dreams and visions, actions and intentions.

Alessandro Rinaldi, starting from the publication of the book “From the mask to the face. Small stories, images and sounds to find yourself”, involved old and new traveling companions and the project transformed into a collective of creative experimentation, in constant change: DMAV_ Social Art Ensemble.

DMAV operates on different expressive registers, from photography to video art, from cinema to urban art installations, from performances to writing.

In 2017 DMAV was invited to join the The Independent project of the MAXXI Museum in Rome. In 2018 the collaboration with Torino NESXT Art Network began. In 2020, the art book Terraforma (Edizioni Comunicarte) was published, edited by Olga Gambari to tell the story of the first ten years of the collective’s activity. In 2021 the video art work Caratteri Mobili was welcomed and awarded at various international film and video art festivals including the Montreal Independent Film Festival, Chicago Indie Film Awards, Tokyo International Short Film Festival. In 2021 DMAV was awarded the Laguna Art Prize, entering the final for the Urban Art category. The projects were exhibited in the space of the Venice Arsenal in October 2021.

DMAV operates on different expressive registers, from photography to video art, from cinema to urban art installations, from performances to writing.

In 2017 DMAV was invited to join the The Independent project of the MAXXI Museum in Rome. In 2018 the collaboration with Torino NESXT Art Network began. In 2020, the art book Terraforma (Edizioni Comunicarte) was published, edited by Olga Gambari to tell the story of the first ten years of the collective’s activity. In 2021 the video art work Caratteri Mobili was welcomed and awarded at various international film and video art festivals including the Montreal Independent Film Festival, Chicago Indie Film Awards, Tokyo International Short Film Festival. In 2021 DMAV was awarded the Laguna Art Prize, entering the final for the Urban Art category. The projects were exhibited in the space of the Venice Arsenal in October 2021.

Artistic direction

Founder and Artistic Director of DMAV. In balance between contemporary art and anthropological investigation, Alessandro Rinaldi works internationally on projects for the growth of social communities through art and learning models centered on experience. He teaches contemporary shamanism at the University of Udine as part of the master’s degree in Partnership and native traditions.

Mind, body, gaze, communities. These are DMAV working elements, between photographic research and performance. He has also been an entrepreneur with Dof Consulting for over twenty years.

Different artistic individualities at the service of a collective vision

Body and contact art performer, he works on the reintroduction of the human element into adrift spaces. Expert in facilitation for the development of social communities, she develops the participatory dimension of artistic projects by working closely with the communities involved.

Alfredo is a graphic facilitator who has his roots in a passion for writing, the decoration of large spaces, drawing and music. In his life path these areas have translated into projects that have touched video, photography and more generally the treatment of images and creativity.

A philosopher by training, he works on the relationship between pop ghosts, collective memory and changes in subjectivity.

Giulia is a graphic facilitator who originally started as an illustrator. Interested in cinema, music, and every form of communication invented by humans (and beyond), she develops her creativity through images and participatory activities.

Different artistic individualities at the service of a collective vision

Indian music, conservative restoration, pop painting, video portraits: Nicola Arctic’s artistic path crosses different experiences to arrive at an original synthesis.

Active in the creative field as a digital artist, she created the Village collection, 15 works created within the The Village project. He participates in the artistic collectives DMAV – Dalla maschera al viso and Kant machine and was part of the creative writing group Dof, active on various collective publications.

An artist with a nomadic approach who works across different languages, from painting to embroidery, from sculpture to video, up to fashion design and social art.

Antonio Giacomin aka fluid is a video designer attracted by the set of bright pixels that we define as video in all its forms and expressions.

Filmmaker and video editor, the first project created with DMAV is the documentary Cavana Stories for which he oversaw the filming and post-production.
For the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and for the Municipality of Trieste he worked on video projects in the field of tourism and cultural promotion.
He co-directed 2 independent short films, winning the Cinema-Tech award at the BZ48H Film Contest 2018.

The Factory is the production site that works in partnership with DMAV. The Factory designs design solutions, interactive digital installations and immersive video and musical creations that integrate technology and aesthetics.

Web and non-web designer, musician and hacker in the broadest sense. He believes in Design as a liquid material that adapts to the container.

Creative and visionary artist. He paints in a material style, binding stone to glass and using materials present in nature: earth, sand, precious stones. He is still travelling.

Gianni explores, develops and talks about human networks, spaces for growth and meeting. He often says that design is a contact sport: sport because it is necessary to train with dedication and contact because it is essential to act in a group.

Web, social media, graphics and mobile photography are the ingredients of my days.

Consultant and partner at Dof Consulting, she coordinates the Dof facilitation team’s interventions within Dmav projects for the development of organizational communities.

Always poised between the real and the fantasy world, he has made words his profession. For her a word is not a set of letters but a key that opens the way to emotions. He deals with Social Media Marketing and Communication.


The DMAV collective is represented by:

Since 2011, the Moitre Gallery has hosted works, installations and performances by the latest generation artists within its exhibition space. The research is aimed at broadening and giving space to creative development and we find works that embrace different ways of artistic expression ranging from installation to video art, from painting to sculpture, from performance to photography, passing through the very new virtual techniques, individual practices or the mixture of them. Since 2021 the DMAV Collective is officially represented by the Gallery, thanks to the collaboration with Alessio Moitre in several performances and more recent projects.

Start organizes exhibitions, festivals, conferences, publications, artist residencies, events, and other initiatives to enhance and promote contemporary cultures and arts in all their forms and aspects: from visual arts to performing arts, from applied arts to artistic craftsmanship, from cinema to video art, from literature to music, with particular attention to cross-medial phenomena, new technologies, and various manifestations of new media art.