




DMAV’s new work continues the path of research and his “neon declarations of love” dedicated to a series of musical projects with a profound generational impact, which have settled deep in the soul and in the history of music. After the most recent installations, Sacred Ground in Turin and Do it yourself in Bologna dedicated to the “Straight edge” movement, it is the turn of one of Coltrane’s masterpieces, Blue Train, associated with a Bolognese project of regeneration and social innovation, ” Boat Stop”.

From the freedom of Punk to the different and equally powerful freedom of Jazz to play with the visions, dreams and actions of a project of social transformation.

The common thread that guides the new neon story of DMAV has to do with the shamanic dimension of music, it is linked in particular to those musical projects capable of generating a vision, a sort of dimensional alteration, which vibrates in space and is capable of to change the characteristics of a place, to create immediate and vital involvement within the community, to rekindle the fire in the sacred space of the village.

Bluetrain is dedicated to the album of the same name and created site specific for the cultural animation and urban regeneration project that will be carried out in the evocative space of the “Treno della Barca” in Bologna, the historic building designed by Giuseppe Vaccaro. The choice of Jazz also refers to the philosophies and logics of regeneration, participation and creative realization which are the basis of this path of social and cultural animation.

Side notes
As Lewis Porter recalls, in his beautiful book Blue Trane, Coltrane himself stated: “My music is the spiritual expression of who I am: my faith, my knowledge, my being. I believe that music can make the world better and, if I am capable of it, I want to contribute to doing so. I would like to show people the divine using a musical language that transcends words. I want to speak to people’s souls.”