Cavana stories


Rai FVG – Alpe Adria Trieste Film Festival – Cizerouno



Cavana Stories is the documentary presented in 2020 at the Alpe Adria Cinema Festival in Trieste, acquired by Rai Fvg and broadcast in the same year. The project was born during the artist residency created by DMAV in Città Vecchia in the period of realization of the Doublin’ public art project. From this vital contact arose the real urgency to turn on the video camera and listen to the community’s stories.

The documentary is a project that intertwines the stories linked to Cavana and the old city, which risk being lost, a journey to recover the memories of those who no longer live in Trieste today. Among the stories of a neighborhood marked over the years by a condition of degradation, stories of great humanity are recovered and shine, which show a sense of closeness and community that must not be forgotten. Among anecdotes linked to brothels, taverns, street musicians, moments of great sharing and intimacy, the faces and memories of people intertwine who tell the story of the Cavana of the past: artists, writers, artisans, traders, well-known faces and less known than Trieste.

Watch the trailer for Cavana Stories.

Side notes 
Over the years Cavana Stories has also become a tribute to beautiful souls who are no longer with us. It is possible to see the trailer and the full version of Cavana Stories at this address (vimeo link).