Luce nera


With people. Walking with us for a bit


Varie città

Luce nera is a permanent and very slowly developing photographic research project that we carry forward through the meetings we have along the path of DMAV. These are portraits dedicated to people who, in very different ways, have stimulated, impressed, inspired and provoked us. 

In this path we use a logic of “wrong” portraits, far from the canons of classic portraits, in which we work with an excess or a defect of exposure, often altering the composition through Wood’s light, thus bringing out the hidden qualities of the image and the atmosphere of the meeting.

The concept of Black Light has a plural value, an interest in every form of light other than sunlight and white light, every form of light that reveals intrinsic properties but not entirely visible in normal conditions such as Wood’s light or the light that arises from reverse bounce phenomena such as that of the ashy light in which we observe the “earth light” on the moon.

The project seeks to create connections with experiences that have a strong social value, a research far from mainstream trends or taste, a form of militancy and integrity linked to a concept, a vision, a dimension of critical thinking, of taste aesthetic and civil and environmental responsibility.

Side notes 
Among the first portraits of Luce Nera, we worked with the philosopher Pier Aldo Rovatti, the artist and activist Alfredo Meschi and the Burlesque dancer Mizy Mia Grand Ame.

Black light aims to be a deviant and deviant lighting project. Do not bring light to the margins, but encounter practices of resistance to accept the challenge of opacity. Show without showing. A refuge light, an altered light, an imperfect light. Black spots, dark side of the moon, dark star. The wave pattern from the pulsating CP 1919 on the cover of Unknown Pleasures.