

Università degli Studi di Udine – PSG – Partnership Studies Group – Conoscenza in Festa – Museo Etnografico di Udine



The project was born at the request of Antonella Riem, a professor at the University of Udine who proposes a reflection on the meaning and experience of numbers in our society. With #numbers, social art becomes an opportunity to lead communities to question the possibilities of regeneration and change that each of us can bring within the public dimension. The first performances of the project are held in the University’s main hall and in the spaces of the Ethnographic Museum.

The intervention is composed of two different levels of creative action. First we carry out a series of incursions into spaces to be regenerated in which we set performances and photographic portraits in various spaces in the city of Udine, including the former slaughterhouse and the Rizzi park. Subsequently we carry out a site-specific intervention in Vicolo Sottomonte, which is covered with colored felt numbers. The entire creative process questions the impact and meaning of numbers in the fabric of the community and in urban spaces.

Side notes
With the project, the collective joins the international research group PSG – Partnership Studies Group, inspired by the themes of partnership and the care economy developed by the activist and scholar Riane Eisler. The #numbers experience is subsequently told in an exhibition set up at the Ethnographic Museum of Udine.