
Confindustria Udine



The artwork, created by the social art collective DMAV, plays with the title of a song by the Eurythmics to explore the meaning of dreams, beginning with a question that provokes and stimulates reflection: What are dreams made of? The ability to dream is one of the fundamental traits of an entrepreneur, who, through the capacity to “see” the future, can transform visions into projects that help the community and society grow and prosper. By resonating with their own dreams and thus overcoming personal limitations, it becomes possible to have a positive impact on reality.

The artwork, part of a broader series of public art interventions by the collective in various Italian cities, employs the expressive codes of neon art and text art to enhance a striking location within Palazzo Torriani with an installation that combines multiple languages. In the atrium, a large neon sign evokes the realm of entrepreneurial dreams; on the staircase, seen as a link between the dimension of dreams and visions and the concrete plane of reality, a gradient of blue tones accompanies a series of key words—these are the real ingredients, the very substance of which dreams are made.

Side notes
The installation emerged from a collaborative effort with the members of Confindustria Udine, focusing on the theme of a value-based pact. The impact of the pink neon is particularly striking within the traditionally conservative environment of Confindustria Udine.