
Radioterraforma is DMAV's permanent radio project. Born during the pandemic to maintain a form of dialogue with the community during a period of social isolation, it represents a space for open and pluralistic storytelling and discussion. In its first incarnation, the radio created a continuous narrative dedicated to the first ten years of the collective in the form of podcasts featuring interviews, soundtracks, and performances by DJs. Through the voices of writers, curators, artists, musicians, mixed with sounds, street music, and original sound productions, Radioterraforma is a reimagining of the idea of free radio: a dynamic space rich in creative interferences, which complements, like a sort of community soundsystem, the various project lines of the collective.

1. Puntata 1


In the first episode of Terraforma, we meet Alessandro Rinaldi and Nicola Gaiarin from the DMAV collective in conversation with the project curator, Olga Gambari, and gallerist Alessio Moitre. They discuss DMAV's ten years and the project energies activated around Terraforma, narrating the essence of this mutating radio.


2. Puntata 2


In the second episode of Terraforma, we meet Alessandro Rinaldi and Nicola Gaiarin from the DMAV collective in conversation with Max Schiozzi, Olga Gambari, and Marco Enrico Giacomelli. The music featured in the episode is by Nicola Artico.


3. Puntata 3


In the third episode of Radioterraforma, Olga Gambari meets Maurizio Cilli, artist and architect, one of the founders of the Città Svelata collective. Alessandro Rinaldi and Max Schiozzi will be in conversation with Alessandro Mezzena Lona, a journalist and writer who has long been responsible for the cultural pages of the Piccolo di Trieste. The music featured in the episode will be by Fabio Zoratti.


4. Puntata 4


In the fourth episode, we'll have Ricky Russo and Antonio Giacomin. Meanwhile, Alessio Moitre will kick off the new segment "La bottega delle favole" (The Fairy Tale Workshop), dedicated to all ages, where there will be room for those tales that will help us through the night. The music for the episode is by Enrico Ros.


5. Puntata 5


The guests of the episode in conversation with Olga Gambari and Nicola Gaiarin are: Cristiana Giacometti, founder (with Maurizio Falghera) in '99 of the first Italian digital publishing house specializing in audiobooks, Il Narratore. Nicola Artico, musician, artist, and performer who moves between painting and video experimentation. Combining his research on traditional Indian music and his spiritual explorations, he developed the method of sound massage. For "La bottega delle favole" (The Fairy Tale Workshop), Alessio Moitre will feature Seesaw and Noiosella. The music is by Nicola Artico.


6. Puntata 6


In the sixth episode, Alessandro Rinaldi and Max Schiozzi will interview: Riccardo Cepach and Nadia Bassanese. For "La bottega delle favole" (The Fairy Tale Workshop), Alessio Moitre presents "Il campanile rotto" (The Broken Bell Tower) and "La storia di un albero" (The Story of a Tree). The music for the episode is by Fabio Zoratti.


7. Puntata 7


In the seventh episode, in conversation with Olga Gambari, there will be Gea Casolaro, an artist who lives between Rome and Paris, and Alessio Moitre, who besides being a gallerist, becomes a storyteller in his segment "La bottega delle favole" (The Fairy Tale Workshop) on Radioterraforma. The music for the episode is by Enrico Ros.


8. Puntata 8


In the eighth episode of Radio Terraforma, Alessandro Rinaldi meets Antonio Della Marina and Alessandra Zucchi from Spazio Ersetti. The music for the episode will be the "Tecnomantra" created by Spazio Ersetti for DMAV on the occasion of the Italian performance by the Icelandic digital shaman Babatwoosh.


9. Puntata 9


In the ninth episode, the guests are: Gino Colla, an art enthusiast, collector, and animator of the artistic world in Udine with the OnArt association. Meanwhile, Alessio Moitre will tell us "L’uomo più brutto di Rìvala" (The Ugliest Man in Rìvala) and "Le case del vento" (The Houses of the Wind) for "La bottega delle favole" (The Fairy Tale Workshop). The music for the episode is by Nicola Artico.


10. Puntata 10


In the tenth episode, we find Alessandro Rinaldi and Max Schiozzi in conversation with Francesca Pitacco. For "La bottega delle favole" (The Fairy Tale Workshop), Alessio Moitre reads "Piccola guida per rifare il letto con il gatto sopra" (A Small Guide to Making the Bed with the Cat on Top). The music for the episode is by Fabio Zoratti.


11. Puntata 11


The eleventh episode of our audio project will have the typical flavor of DMAV performances. The structure changes and enriches itself, moving more towards a performative key in which the protagonists are precisely Marzia, Nicola, and Alessandro.


12. Puntata 12


In the twelfth episode, Olga Gambari will be in conversation with Pietro Gaglianò, one of the most interesting critical voices in recent years. An art critic, curator, and scholar of contemporary languages, his main fields of research concern the relationships between visual art practices and the theoretical systems of performing art and experimental theater, with particular attention to the urban, architectural, and social context as the stage of contemporary artistic practices. The music for the episode is by Nicola Artico.


13. Puntata 13


In the thirteenth episode, the guest in conversation with Olga Gambari is Davide Da Pieve, a historian and art critic who focuses on contemporary art, paying attention to the relationship between artistic practice and exhibition space. The music for the episode is by Enrico Ros.


14. Puntata 14


In the fourteenth episode, the guest in conversation with Olga Gambari will be Annalisa Russo, and together they will discuss codes, archetypes, myths, and the relationship between the rational and irrational dimensions of language: an archetypal journey inspired by Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory, to provide an integrated vision of the resonances between words and images. The music for the episode is by Fabio Zoratti, a street artist and explorer, with his accordion, of the sonic memory of the old city of Trieste.
